Articles and publications

4/21/2022 AR OOH Advertising
According to 2020 statistics on augmented reality, consumer spending on AR accounted for a 37.4% share of the global AR customer market.
4/9/2022 Emerging Advertising Tactics With AR Flyers
AR flyer advertising is a smart tool to attract valuable data to gauge marketing campaigns on the scale of effectiveness and responsiveness.
4/8/2022 Guerilla Marketing
Marketing is one of the most important departments in any organization.
4/7/2022 Wild Posting Advertising
Wild Posting advertising is a street level advertising where paper posters are pasted on buildings and road barricades.
4/6/2022 Unique Advertising Practices with Golf Course Marketing
If your target is elite and affluent people, then advertising in the event of golf is a golden opportunity.
4/2/2022 Here’s Why Mall Advertising Costs are Increasing
Traditional advertising methods have seen their downfall due to the lasting effects of COVID. Advertising methods like billboards are declining because people want to spend their time at home.
3/31/2022 Advertising Your Dental Practice: A Case Study
The ways of life have significantly evolved, and it has majorly impacted the healthcare system.
3/30/2022 Powerful Advertisement Tactics for Healthcare
The healthcare system needs constant improvements and development in advertising techniques.
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